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7th Grade World History Syllabus


We will investigate the development of ancient civilization around the world and how they evolved into many of the civilizations that populate our modern world.

To be able to apply basic geographic skills to a map.
To gain an understanding of how ancient civilizations developed and how they influence us today.
Textbook: World Cultures: A Global Mosaic     ISBN#: 0-13-036896-2

This year we will explore the geography, history, and culture of countries all over this world. The main topics we will focus on will include:
A. Maps, Geography, and Cultures
B. Africa (Trade routes, tribal groups, South Africa)
C. Asia (Vietnam, China, and Japan)
D. Australia, New Zealand, and Oceania (Aborigines, Maoris and the Impact of the British on these cultures)
E. Europe (Greece, Rome, and Middle Ages)



Assessments- Unit Tests/ Quizes/ Major Projects= 60%

Assignments/ Daily Work= 25%

Comprehensive Semester Final= 15%


I break this down below:

60% of the grade comes from summative assessments given through unit tests/ projects and chapter quizzes.

25% of the grade comes from daily work, notes, and informal assessments. Any work not turned in on the due date will receive a 30% of the graded work; grade will not be below a 60%. Any work that is not turned in within two days of the due date will receive a 0% for the grade. I will accept school work within the unit that it was given. Once we take the test for a given unit, I will not accept work. If you are absent from school, any work that was assigned before your absence will be due when you return. This does include tests. Test retakes will be given only if a student scores below a 70% on the test and only one retake will be allowed. All homework must be complete before retake is given. This retake maybe the same test or a test written at a harder level. The harder level test is used to motivate the student to study the first time. For example, the first test maybe a multiple choice test and the second test a fill-in-the-blank without a word bank given or a short constructed response test.

A comprehensive final is given at the end of each semester. This means that all information that is covered within the semester will be covered on the final. This final is 15% of the semester grade.

Classroom Conduct
Be ready, in your seat, and working on the Bell Work for the day when the bell rings.
Be in your assigned seat.
The bell does not dismiss class, the teacher does.
Be respectful, be responsible, be on time, and be a learner.
After an excused absence, you have 3 school days to turn in missing work for full credit. After an excused absence, students will have 3 school days to complete a missing quiz/test. Few situations may require for some work to be completed before the third day has expired, example: End of quarter.

A tardy = not being in the room and prepared for class when the bell begins to ring.
School policy will be used concerning consequences for tardies.

Cheating and Inappropriate Behavior
Anyone caught cheating will receive a zero for the assignment.

For minor classroom disruptions, the student will be given a student reflective form. This form focuses on helping students make a plan for improving behavior in the classroom. An alternative consequence may be applied, rather than being given a referral to the office. All major or chronic misbehavior will be referred to and dealt with by the building administration.

Books will be kept in the classroom. If a student needs to check a book out, they will go through the proper process and be allowed to check a textbook out for up to five school days at a time. At the end of five school days, the student must bring the textbook back to school and check it out again if needed. Each book has a replacement cost of $98.44. If the student loses or damages the book, they will be held liable for replacing the book.

Please review this syllabus with your student. If you have any questions, email me at ( Email is my primary method of contact. Thank you.



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